Dances of Universal Peace

April 20, 2007, Friday, 8-10pm Toronto, Ontario
at the Feldenkrais Centre, 390 Dupont St. Suite 201 evening event being held as part of
the Sufi Way of Beauty workshop...


a rose Beauty is something that conquers without a sword, that holds without hands, that is more tender than the petals of a flower and stronger than anything in the world. The Prophet has said, ‘God is Beauty and loves what is beautiful.’
     Hazrat Inayat Khan
The Toronto Centre of the Sufi Order International invites you to join us for an evening of Dances of Universal Peace. Dance with us as we use song, music, and movement to celebrate some of the world’s sacred traditions. The event will be led by Amir O’Loughlin, visiting us from Vancouver, B.C.
The Dances of Universal Peace were founded by Samuel L. Lewis, a Sufi teacher and Rinzai Zen Master, who also studied deeply in the mystical traditions of Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity. The Dances use simple music, lyrics, and movements to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others. Logo for Dances of Universal Peace
This one-evening event is also the first night of a weekend workshop, The Sufi Way of Beauty, also being led by Amir. If you are attending the full workshop the Dances are included in the cost. The Dance evening alone costs $15.

About Amir O'Loughlin

Photo of Amir O'Laughlin Amir O’Loughlin is a teacher of the Sufi path, a musician, and psychotherapist. He has been a guide and leader in the Sufi Order International for over 25 years, and currently is its National Representative in Canada. Amir’s music and recordings of Sufi mystical poetry have garnered much praise in both North America and Europe, and can be heard on his CD “Merhaba.”

About The Sufi Order International

The Sufi Order was founded by Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927), continued by his son Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, and is currently led by his grandson, Pir Zia Inayat Khan. The Sufi Order International evolved from the universal spiritual tradition of the Chisti Sufi lineage. Hazrat Inayat Khan, whose teacher gave him the task to “unite East with West in the harmony of your music,” communicated the fundamental metaphysics and practices of the ancient Sufis to the people of the West. Sufism has been called “the religion of the heart.” It can also be understood as a path for mental and spiritual transformation through the transcendent wisdom of Love, Harmony, and Beauty, and the realization of unity in God.

The Sufi Order welcomes all who seek to deepen their connection to God, regardless of religious denomination.

Where We’ll Meet

studio at the Feldenkrais Centre
The event will be held at the Feldenkrais Center in downtown Toronto (390 Dupont Street, Suite 201). This bright and airy space features plants, skylights, and exhibited art. The Centre is at the corner of Dupont St. and Brunswick Ave., two blocks west of the Dupont subway station, about halfway between Spadina and Bathurst.

Additional Information

dance circle If you have any special needs, such as physical ability, or health-related issues, then it is necessary for you to let us know as early as possible so that we can seek suitable supporting arrangements.

For more information about this event, please contact Amina Berketa <> or 416-782-6612.

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